

We understand re-imagining a historic or designing a new building to be a cooperative act between the client and the architect. Our process involves exploring various options to identify a holistic solution that best serves the needs of the client and the broader community. We believe thoughtfully adapting our existing built environment is the most effective method to reduce carbon emissions, conserve limited resources, revitalize communities, and celebrate our cultural heritage. When creating new buildings, compatible additions or adapting existing spaces, we endeavor to create designs that endure like the historic structures that preceded them.


Programming & Project Phasing | Architectural Design | Adaptive Reuse | Historic Rehabilitation | Restoration & Reconstruction | Construction Drawings & Specifications | Bidding & Negotiation | Construction Administration | Project Visualizations & Renderings


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To us, one of the most powerful things about historic preservation is its capability to ensure appropriate reuse and care of existing buildings so we can leave the best of our region’s heritage to future generations. We provide a full range of preservation planning services informed by thorough research, the Secretary of the Interior’s Standard’s for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and our staff’s broad depth of professional and academic experience in the field. We have successfully guided our clients through many challenging public agency review processes including historic tax credit applications, environmental impact analysis, and national register nominations, and have established a state-wide reputation for our capabilities.


Historic Tax Credit Administration | National Register Nominations | Cultural & Historic Resource Surveys | Local Landmark Applications | Thematic Inventory Reports | Historic Impact Evaluations | Grant Funding Assistance | Streetscape Façade Studies | Design Guidelines




We know existing buildings can be beset by multiple potential challenges to their continued care or reuse. It is critical that the sources of potential failure or ongoing deterioration are carefully analyzed by professionals with a thorough understanding of construction methods and materials used over the past two-hundred years. It is also important that any potential change in use be studied so that implications prescribed by the building code and municipal ordinances can be anticipated. We have researched, analyzed, and studied hundreds of buildings to assist our clients with planning for long-term building maintenance and budgeting for small repairs to large scale rehabilitations.


Building Code Analysis | Feasibility Studies | Construction Cost Estimation | Building Surveys | Condition Reports | Historic Structure Reports


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We believe the successful design of interior spaces ensures they are reflective of the distinctive buildings they inhabit while adapting to suit the needs of current and future users. Our approach is rooted in timeless aesthetics and careful study of the daily functions with these spaces. We work with our clients to closely evaluate their needs and desires while creating researched, unique and period-appropriate design options.  We provide a wide range of services to best suit your project, from schematic and master planning to full visualization and interior renderings.


Design | Furniture Plans | Historic Fixtures & Finishes Research | Fixture & Finish Selection | Detailed Product Specification | Interior Visualizations & Renderings